How does your talent perform? We advise you.
1. Develop your managers’ skills to manage teams and growth
2. Boost your corporate culture and internal communication
3. Develop your intergenerational leadership and retain your talents, benefit from their know-how, their know-how on the long term, nextgen integration
Our tailor-made solutions
Mentoring Manager program “Empowering all generations”
Over a period ranging from 3 months to 6 months, we organize different sessions with small groups of managers (3-4 managers), see individual mentoring sessions and in parallel, support sessions with top management for “empowering all generations” and accelerate the growth of your company through your talents.
- Sharing know-how and life skills
- “Multigenerational” management tools
- Continuity of key functions
- Integration of new employees
- Talent retention
- Strategy and Governance 2.0
- Corporate culture sharing
- Employer brand through your ambassadors
- Talent management tools for managers
- Talent path
Here are some examples of our creations:
- Managers 2.0 3-month program – 3-4 participants
- 6-month intergenerational mentoring program – pairs of 5 juniors and 5 seniors
- Individual mentoring “sparring partner”
Retain and attract talent
We help you implement the best strategies to attract and retain talent, foster performance and transfer knowledge and experience. We offer executive mentoring solutions, individual 2-hour sessions tailored to individual needs.
- Meaning at work
- Corporate culture
- Leadership
- retain talent
- Develop talent
Here are some examples of our creations:
- Audit
- Your “why”
- Your company values
- Talent retention and attraction tools
- Diversity and Inclusion
- Continuity and key functions
- Best practice for managers
- Talent path
- Employer brand and EVP
- Soft skills vs hard skills training plan
- “Multigenerational” management tools
Executive session
We help you put in place an effective talent management strategy to help you attract the talents that match your corporate culture and the skills you are looking for, retain them and prevent them from moving on to the competition. We offer “executive” type sessions of 2 hours per group of 3-4 managers/directors.
- Meaning at work
- Corporate culture
- Leadership
- retain talent
Here are some examples of our creations:
- Benevolent management tools
- Tools for Talent Management
- Tools for Employer Branding
- Linkedin tools
- Tools for Corporate Culture
- Tools for listening and facilitating

How to attract and retain talent in the company?
Management cannot do everything. A company needs its talents to attract, serve and retain customers. Similarly, the development of products, the operation of the company and its efficiency depend in part on the company’s ability to attract the right people, motivate them and ensure their full commitment to the company’s project. . Finally, the company must ensure that knowledge is passed on to newcomers so as not to lose the fruit of past experiences.
The company achieves this result with a real management policy, by investing in its team, by proposing a common objective to which everyone can identify and adhere.
This notably requires a corporate culture and strong values. The phenomenon of the great resignation in the United States has shown how quickly companies can lose their talent. And this phenomenon is also hitting Europe. Overnight some companies lose their talents, some of whom have lost their meaning at work. Losing talent represents a significant human and financial loss (can amount to hundreds of thousands of francs per talent). To avoid this situation, in 123 Next Generation, we also advise companies on their corporate culture, their identity, their values, their diversity and inclusion, their multigenerational transmission, their HR strategy in order to retain their employees over the long term. The employer brand is also one of the interesting tools to attract your future talents to your job offers. As soon as your teams are satisfied, they act as ambassadors to promote your company.
We provide the execution force to unload teams and lead to the accomplishment of your objectives.

How to develop a strong corporate culture?
The corporate culture brings the team together around common values and strengthens group cohesion.
Your team will thus have the feeling of moving in a common direction and will better pool its resources for the benefit of the company.
You need to articulate why your business exists, your deep aspiration and define your values. Your values will need to be effectively communicated and embodied by management. You will be able to create moments of exchange within the team and promote personal communication.
The aim is to give meaning to the work environment, to allow everyone to find their place and contribute to the company’s projects. It is a long-term substantive work, because behaviors do not change from one day to the next. This is where the help of an experienced external professional can provide you with the necessary help – your managers will not have to juggle their professional obligations and the establishment of a corporate culture that promotes acquisition. , developing and retaining talent.
We help you create this corporate culture and provide you with the necessary workforce to achieve it.

How do you motivate your team and get them to adhere to the company’s project?
The company lives thanks to its team, but this team will only give its maximum if it adheres to the project and takes ownership of it. Managing to unite employees is therefore a major challenge for the company.
You can start by demonstrating the need by highlighting the problems that justify your action. You will be able to involve employees more in the project, invite them to give their opinion and give respect and benevolence to each opinion. Everyone’s responsibilities must be defined and you can meet individually with the team members to take stock with them of their positioning in relation to the project.
However, establishing such a corporate culture and developing the employer brand requires a lot of time and investment, as well as a specific skill set.
We always start from a discussion with our clients in order to understand their specific needs, constraints and objectives. Our support is then “tailor-made” in relation to your needs.
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