Milena De Simone
Partner at EY
- Milena De Simone (-Fierz) joined E&Y Geneva office in 2003 and is an Assurance Partner specialized in the banks, securities dealers and directly subordinated financial intermediaries.
- Milena transferred to E&Y London office between September 2009 and March 2011.
- Milena has a master’s degree in economic sciences, section management, HEC Lausanne and is Swiss Certified Accountant.
- Personally accredited by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA for the audit of banks, securities dealers and financial intermediaries directly under supervision of FINMA
- She is a member of EXPERTSuisse.
- Milena’s teaching skills are finally internally and externally recognized being a teacher at EXPERTSuisse and an internal teacher with respect to regulatory challenges and our internal audit methodology.