TALENT INTERVIEW – Celine van Till – Releases her book “EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE”

Feb 18, 2022 | Diversity & Inclusion, Video

Do you know the career of Celine van Till and her latest book “everything is possible” published by Slaktine? Find out in this new video and through his latest book!

Celine van Till - Sort son livre "TOUT EST POSSIBLE"

At 123 Next Generation we want to highlight talents that move the lines. Discover Céline Van Till, Paralympic athlete and speaker author who has just released her latest book “Everything is possible” with Slatkine editions through her interview 2.0.

What advice do you want to give?

Giving yourself the means to succeed is how to overcome obstacles and do something to become better.

Why this second book?

To fulfill my life mission to help and inspire as many people as possible.

How do you define failure?

We learn.

How do you define success?

Be happy.

Define yourself in three words?

Warrior but also human and accessible.

What do you mean by “everything is possible”?

Everything is possible in one direction or the other, it’s up to you to direct your life and your actions in the right direction.

How did you write this book?

During my athletics career when I had so much quiet time I devoted it to writing or as soon as I had to question myself as much to say as it was often.

And your handicap in all this?

Ah I want to adapt and find solutions all the time.

What is the life of an athlete?

You will have to read it live.

What does this book bring to the reader?

The niac of living.

In conclusion ?

Everything is possible !

You want to know more about Céline Van Till and find all her news on her website and do not hesitate to join her on all of her social networks.
