Maxime Lagane: Fan of Elton John? His biggest dream? | FAST questions

Jan 28, 2022 | Employer brand, Video

Maxime Lagane : Fan d'Elton john? Son plus grand rêve? I FASTquestions

Who are you ?

My name is Maxime Lagane, I am married with three children. I live in Geneva. I am the leader of 123 Next Generation. I help companies that help the Next Gen.

What is your age ?

Well you’ll have to meet me to find out.

Your favorite quote?

I never lose, I win or I learn – Nelson Mandela

Your favorite music?

Elton John, I’m still standing.

Your favorite subject at school?

The sports.

Your most dreaded subject?


Head in the stars or down to earth?

Head in the stars.

Your hidden talent?


Your missed talent?

Tell the jokes.

Your biggest dream?

My dream is to help as many companies and as many people as possible.

Your secret to managing professional and personal life?

We have iCalendar with my wife.

Your greatest professional pride?

123 Next Generation

123 Next Generation in three words?

Innovative, efficient and impactful.

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