The multigenerational transmission of know-how and skills has recently been recognized as a strategic role in the continuity of companies, particularly following long-term careers.

The importance of knowledge management
There is a real opportunity for companies to leverage the different forms of knowledge to facilitate information sharing and collaboration among their multigenerational employees.[1]
Knowledge management [2] is at the heart of this process, in particular to collect and preserve the company’s knowledge and know-how to improve coordination, meaningful learning and good collaboration among employees.
“The history of the company is part of this knowledge. This history shapes the company culture. The company doesn’t start the day the employee starts. If there were not several generations before that had done what they did, there would not be a company today. Understanding this path is essential”, says journalist Martina Chyba.
The risks of poor age management
In Switzerland, people leave the labor market late. About 81% of senior citizens remain active after retirement age, which places Switzerland on the podium of the European champions of working longevity, just after Sweden (86%) and Iceland (83.6%).[3]
It is therefore fundamental to learn the right strategies to succeed in multigenerational transmission, but also to avoid losing skills that are crucial to your brand’s success.
“I don’t believe in a compartmentalized company, with the old on one side and the young on the other. The mix is to be provoked. A family generally has three generations. Why should a company have only young people or only old people? This does not reflect the structure of society. Intergenerational dialogue is essential. We must be able to debate, we must be able to allow contradiction,” says journalist Martina Chyba.
Indeed, when knowledge and know-how are not shared, lack transparency or are not accessible, there is often a knowledge deficit among employees, which often leads to communication problems between them and hinders the company’s growth and innovation possibilities.[4]

Tips for successful multigenerational transmission
According to the Technology Services Industry Association, through effective knowledge management, more than 70% of companies believe they can improve their productivity by at least 20%.[5]
This increase in turnover also explains why many multinationals are interested in this field. For example, Toyota, with more than 300,000 employees, has adapted to change to standardize its production and improve the quality and performance of its workforce. [6]
However, mastering these strategies is not so easy. Most companies looking to improve their knowledge management are like King Arthur and his knights in their quest for the Holy Grail.
This is because the knowledge capital of a company does not only include knowledge of the domain and of the tools. It is also a matter of knowing the values, the corporate culture and that of the clients as well as the work habits.
“There is a real interest in having old employees tell the company’s past history, to review old things, to allow new employees to understand this history and this company culture. A mentor, a former employee of the company could accompany the new employees, create links and exchanges. Another example could be intergenerational mobility. Younger employees could be integrated into historical departments, and experienced employees could be integrated into newer departments,” says journalist Martina Chyba.
In order to facilitate social cohesion, it is also important to educate your employees about cultural change and to be inclusive, deconstructing the thought patterns and stereotypes associated with each generation. [7]
At 123 Next Generation , we help companies adapt to the challenges of tomorrow and master generational transmission. We support you in retaining and developing your intergenerational talents, your digital communication, your corporate culture, your visibility and attractiveness.
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