- The trend of investing in digital marketing
- Why digital reputation and employee branding are so important
- How COVID has accelerated change and digitization
- The importance of training employees on soft skills
Increased investment in marketing
The pandemic has accelerated the use of digital technology for businesses and customers. [1]
85% of marketers say customers are more open to their digital offerings. [2]
84% believe that customers appreciate digital experiences more than before the pandemic. [3]
” The real question is inclusion, which requires investments in training and support for change ” Samira Marquis
The impact of Covid-19 is still being measured, but according to a study conducted by Duke University there’s a tendency for CMOs (Chief Marketing Officers) to adapt their offers and activities to the new opportunity arising from the digitalization of marketing services.
– 60.8% redirect their resources towards the creation of customer-oriented digital interfaces. [4]
– 56.2% are transforming their go-to-market business models. [5]
– 68.6% keep their employees active online. [6]
– 61.8% use their employees to improve digital interfaces. [7]
Since February 2020, funds allocated to social media have increased by 74%, from 13.3% to 23.2% of the total marketing budget of companies. [8]
Trends and statistics in Switzerland indicate that investments in digital marketing are on the rise and the budget allocated to marketing is between 7 and 12% of total turnover. [9]
When you dig a little deeper into the type of digital advertising, studies show that [10]:
– Online video is the fastest growing category. In 2021, investments will be twice as large as in 2016.
– Social media advertising grew at an average annual rate of 17% between 2016 and 2021. Overall social media spend averages 11-12% of the total marketing budget.
– The mobile is taken into account on all channels.
The importance of digital presence and reputation as a person
Personal branding is also booming. Employees are increasingly using LinkedIn, for example, to showcase their journey and be spotted by recruiters, which can be a double-edged sword.
” LinkedIn becomes the new CV. But it must not become a virtual cash register, a mirror with larks. Too many people invent lives for themselves. Many employers visit the pages of both their candidates and their employees. When I meet a candidate, of course I will check! »Leila Delarive
The importance of digital presence and reputation as a company
The importance of the digital presence and also of the digital image of a company has an impact on the workforce [11].
Employer branding is important and, in a digital world where the new generation is constantly connected to mobile, it is essential that companies are aware of the image they give to the outside world of their value and of their reputation [12].
The NextGen in 3 words: ” Awareness of the challenges of survival, sense of responsibility, future of humanity “. Samira Marquis
Randstad Employer Brand Research for Switzerland 2021 [13], says :
50% of applicants say they wouldn’t work for a company with a bad reputation – even with a raise.
A study by LinkedIn shows the impact of the employer brand on the attractiveness of candidates:
52% of applicants search the company website and social media first to learn more about an employer [14].
The impact of the presence or absence of an employer brand on a candidate’s decision to engage with your company can be very significant [15].
” Small structures are more on their own when it comes to employer branding ” Leila Delarive
Influencer marketing is a great way to help you reach new audiences, increase brand awareness, and boost your marketing ROI and bottom line [16].
However, if your goal is to connect with your audience and young clients, you must first understand your audience and address their needs and interests directly [17].
You can’t talk about an effective employer brand if, as a business, you don’t understand your target audience, especially if you want to target a young, digital audience. It is important to know “what are their hopes, fears and motivations? How do they behave online? Who influences them in their career choices? Companies still know so little about all this and do not know enough who they are trying to attract, or are too preoccupied with trying to be everything to everyone. ” [18]
” The NextGen in 3 words: Awake, Disillusioned, Doer. We must empower NextGen to open a new chapter of humanity “. Leila Delarive
As other industry experts have analyzed, “There is one key group that understands your current and future employees better than anyone else: your employees themselves. Once you’ve listened to their needs, concerns, and aspirations, invite your employees to actively participate in the process of building a strong employer brand.
Allow them to share their experiences, involve them in promotional videos and images you plan to use, showcase their work on your website, etc.” [19].
Why is employee training so important?
More generally, we are observing the digitization of companies accelerated by the COVID crisis. Many companies have been pushed to develop their digital showcase and invest in skills and tools.
” This acceleration in the use of new technologies affects both work organizations and the transversal skills essential to manage a new relationship with time, space, information and others. These changes require a strong adaptation to changes and new transversal and interpersonal skills. »Samira Marquis
For example, sales in certain sectors were made mainly through e-commerce portals during this crisis, a consumer trend that could remain post-COVID. These new ways of selling for some companies have challenged many key business processes, prompting many employees to change the way they work. The skills called “soft skills” are often revealed in these situations of change.
” We need to make more use of this type of transversal skills, commonly called soft-skills. Today, in a company, no function or department can do without change: work differently and develop collaboration, creativity and communication.
In addition, in recent years, we have witnessed the emergence of professions that are at the crossroads of several disciplines: for example data-scientist, HR sourcer, community manager, web developer, CMS etc. It is important to support the integration of these new functions into existing structures, to maximize the return on investment. Thus, digitization is a fantastic opportunity to develop skills and help businesses evolve in all areas. »Samira Marquis
How to better prepare your business for change?
At 123 Next Generation, we help companies adapt to the challenges of tomorrow. We support you in the retention and development of your talents, your specialized soft skills training plan, your employer brand, your corporate culture, your visibility and attractiveness, particularly through digital.
Want to know more ? Email us at welcome @ 123nextgenration or give us a call on 022 552 22 40 and let’s discuss your needs.
We look forward to meeting you soon.
[1] https://cmosurvey.org/covid-drives-digital-as-marketers-pivot-into-stronger-and-leaner-roles/
[2] https://cmosurvey.org/covid-drives-digital-as-marketers-pivot-into-stronger-and-leaner-roles/
[3] https://cmosurvey.org/covid-drives-digital-as-marketers-pivot-into-stronger-and-leaner-roles/
[4] https://wsigabs.ch/fr/blog/quel-budget-pour-votre-marketing-digital-en-2019/#link-8
[5] https://wsigabs.ch/fr/blog/quel-budget-pour-votre-marketing-digital-en-2019/#link-8
[6] https://wsigabs.ch/fr/blog/quel-budget-pour-votre-marketing-digital-en-2019/#link-8
[7] https://wsigabs.ch/fr/blog/quel-budget-pour-votre-marketing-digital-en-2019/#link-8
[8] https://wsigabs.ch/fr/blog/quel-budget-pour-votre-marketing-digital-en-2019/
[10] https://wsigabs.ch/fr/blog/quel-budget-pour-votre-marketing-digital-en-2019/
[11] https://business.linkedin.com/content/dam/business/talent-solutions/global/en_us/c/pdfs/ultimate-list-of-employer-brand-stats.pdf
[12] https://business.linkedin.com/content/dam/business/talent-solutions/global/en_us/c/pdfs/ultimate-list-of-employer-brand-stats.pdf
[13] https://www.randstad.ch/en/employer-branding/the-study/the-survey-step-by-step/
[14] https://business.linkedin.com/content/dam/business/talent- solutions / global / en_us / c / pdfs / ultimate-list-of-employer-brand-stats.pdf
[15] https://business.linkedin.com/content/dam/business/talent- solutions / global / en_us / c / pdfs / ultimate-list-of-employer-brand-stats.pdf
[16] https://www.singlegrain.com/content-marketing-strategy-2/guide-influencer-marketing/
[17] https://www.betterteam.com/employer-branding